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Adventure Catechism 11-20

Adventure Catechism Lesson 11 - What is Original Sin?

We are all conceived with it, but how did it come about and how has God provided a way for us to be liberated from it? Viewers will learn what sin is and God's plan of salvation.

Adventure Catechism Lesson 12 - What is Redemption?

Learn the good news of the Gospel and the amazing lengths to which God -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit---has gone to save us from sin.

Adventure Catechism Lesson 13 - What is the Incarnation?

Children will understand Jesus is fully God and man, and why He had to sacrifice Himself for our sakes.

Adventure Catechism Lesson 14 - What is the Immaculate Conception?

What does this title mean and why is Mary also called the Ark of the New Covenant? This presentation covers a deep subject in a way viewers can understand.

Adventure Catechism Lesson 15 - What are Angels?

We read about them in the Bible and how they have interacted with people throughout the ages, including with Jesus Himself. But, who are these special beings, and what do they have to do with us on a day to day basis?

Adventure Catechism Lesson 16 - What are the Sacraments?

Discover the wonderful way in which God has provided grace for our lives, from the moment of our birth, all the way until we get ready to go to Him in heaven.

Adventure Catechism Lesson 17 - What is Baptism?

Let your heart be filled with gratitude as you learn about this amazing sacrament that cleanses us from original sin, and makes us members of Christ and His great, big family!

Adventure Catechism Lesson 18 - What is the Eucharist?

Jesus promised to be with His followers always. Let your heart be moved by the way in which the Son of God comes to us through the giving of His body and blood.

Adventure Catechism Lesson 19 - What is Confession?

Learn about the mercy of God and how He provides forgiveness of sins through confession, and progress in our life through penance.

Adventure Catechism Lesson 20 - How to Make a Good Confession

We know it's a necessary part of our life and growth in Jesus, but how do we go about making a good examination of conscience and a good confession?