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Video Catechism

Video Catechism Lesson 05 - Joy Story

In the hands of young Aaron, the nativity figurines (especially the angel) are transformed into first century action figures. After his mother gently guides Aaron away from that activity, the story of Jesus comes to life in that manger and an unusual participant in the scene learns about the important role Mary played in the salvation of the world.

Video Catechism Lesson 06 - And Became Man

Bishop Michael J. Bransfield and teens of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston reflect on the Incarnation of Jesus Christ.

Video Catechism Lesson 10 - Chris Padgett: On Fire with the Holy Spirit

Through his outrageous humor, incomparable intellect, and stunning good looks, Chris Padgett shares some theological and practical insights about the mysterious third person of the Holy Trinity.

Video Catechism Lesson 11 - This Is My Church

Meet the Savilla family. For generations, Holy Trinity Church in Nitro, West Virginia has been their "home." This charming community, like thousands of others around the world, is a very important part of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

Video Catechism Lesson 12 - Pray for Me

Josh uses some pretty typical excuses to reject his cousin Emma's attempts to draw him back to Christ. But does he really believe those excuses?

Video Catechism Lesson 13 - Forgiveness of Sins

Fr. Joseph says what we're all thinking about the hold of sin in our lives. He doesn't stop there, however. This film declares the truth that there is forgiveness of sin for the praise of God's glory.

Video Catechism Lesson 14 - The Seven Sacraments

This typographic film provides a brief overview of the seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church and the purpose each serves.

Video Catechism Lesson 15 - On the Road to Emmaus.

A special visitor joins Will at Mass on Sunday and suddenly the Mass will never be the same

Video Catechism Lesson 16 - Initiation

Watch as a story-telling grandpa with an over-active imagination tries to explain the Sacraments to his grandkids. You?ve never heard it quite like this before.

Video Catechism Lesson 17 - Holy Water

When a "voice from above" asks a teenage boy why he blesses himself with holy water as he enters the chapel in his local parish, the teen responds, "Isn't that what you are supposed to do when you enter a church?" The "voice" then takes him on a journey into his past and future to see exactly what this water means to him.

Video Catechism Lesson 18 - We Adore

Catholic teens reflect on the profound gift of Jesus in the Eucharist.

Video Catechism Lesson 19 - It's NOT Graduation

The general conception that Confirmation is "graduation" is challenged in this film using some interesting comparisons.

Video Catechism Lesson 20 - How Do I Go to Confession?

Whether this is a refresher or an introduction, this film creatively walks through the Sacrament of Reconciliation in a way that will stick with you.

Video Catechism Lesson 21 - Suffering and Glorified

Meet Caroline and Jack, two kids who have battled illness and received strength through the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.

Video Catechism Lesson 23 - The Game of Life

Four friends enjoy some time together over a board game and learn something in the process.

Video Catechism Lesson 24 - CHRIS PADGETT: Talks About Marriage

Chris Padgett shares his thoughts about the Sacrament of Marriage, and a few jokes, too.

Video Catechism Lesson 29 - Dignity Matters

Meet Manny, a young man who's taking a few hits to his dignity from people who aren't weighing the impact of their words.

Video Catechism Lesson 30 - The Do-Over

Jake keeps messing up, except he doesn't see it that way---at least not at first. Thanks to a little outside help, that's about to change.

Video Catechism Lesson 31 - No Other gods

A handful of teens are in a chapel. They are praying, worshipping, adoring. See what's moving them in such a powerful way.

Video Catechism Lesson 32 - The Beatitudes

We all want to be happy. The question is, "How do we make that happen?" Explore a nonconventional path to true happiness.

Video Catechism Lesson 33 - Honor Your Father & Mother

Hear a youth perspective on the meaning of the 4th commandment.

Video Catechism Lesson 34 - The Comfortable Couch

Sarah and Lucy are hanging out on the couch discussing life when Sarah makes a disturbing discovery.

Video Catechism Lesson 35 - pornography part 1

Five young men talk openly and frankly about pornography, its pervasiveness, its danger, its addictive nature and its beat-ability.

Video Catechism Lesson 35 - pornography part 2

Five young women talk openly and frankly about pornography, its effects, its danger, and the fact that it's not just a guy thing.

Video Catechism Lesson 36 - Being Pro-Life

Sr. Alicia Torres speaks about how her involvement in pro-life work led to a broader understanding of the value of every human life.