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Quiz - The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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What is the month of December dedicated to?

The Birth of Jesus
The Immaculate Conception
The Birth of Mary
The Wedding of Joseph and Mary

Mary was free the stains of original sin __________.

From her conception, the very first moment of her life
When she became the mother of God
At the Annunciation
At her birth

When does all life begin?

When we are born
When we open our eyes for the first time
At our conception in our mother's womb
None of the above

How many Marian dogmas does the Catholic Church have?


What is a dogma?

A letter written by the pope
A truth of the Church that has been revealed by God
A written account of a vision from the Blessed Mother
A letter written by God to the Church

The Immaculate Conception was made an official dogma of the Church by ______.

Pope John Paul II
Pope Francis
Pope Gregory the Great
Pope Pius IX

Original sin is the sin of our first parents, ____________.

Mary and Jesus
Sarah and Abraham
Adam and Eve
Rachel and Jacob

Adam and Eve were created with sin.


What did Mary do that Eve didn't?

Never sinned
Had a son
Ate meat
None of the above

Jesus and Mary said "yes" to God which make up for the "no" of Adam and Eve.




What is the month of December dedicated to?

Mary was free the stains of original sin __________.

When does all life begin?

How many Marian dogmas does the Catholic Church have?

What is a dogma?

The Immaculate Conception was made an official dogma of the Church by ______.

Original sin is the sin of our first parents, ____________.

Adam and Eve were created with sin.

What did Mary do that Eve didn't?

Jesus and Mary said "yes" to God which make up for the "no" of Adam and Eve.