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Adventure Catechism Lesson 06 - What is the Bible?

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What is the Bible?

Just another book
The Word of God
A book of Church rules
A history book for school

What are the two main parts of the Bible?

The Old Testament and New Testament
The History and Letters
The Word of God and Word of Man
The red pages and the black pages

Who inspired the people who wrote the Bible?

Their parents
Their teachers
The Holy Spirit
Their favorite singers

Which of these are in the Bible?

The history of God’s people
Stories about Jesus’s life
Things about Jesus written hundreds of years before He was born
All of the above

True/False: Many of our prayers and words of the Mass are in the Bible.




What is the Bible?

What are the two main parts of the Bible?

Who inspired the people who wrote the Bible?

Which of these are in the Bible?

True/False: Many of our prayers and words of the Mass are in the Bible.

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