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Catholic Brain's online dictionary is the perfect go-to resource for students when given research assignments on the Catholic faith. Utilizing the OSV Catholic Faith Words, reports will be a breeze with access to thousands of entries on Catholic saints, Catholic feasts, Bible location, people of the Bible, Catholic Church history, and many, many more.

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"Venial sin a sin that hurts a person's friendship with God, but does not completely break it."

"Venial sin a sin that weakens, but does not destroy, a person's relationship with God."

"Venial sin a sin that hurts a person's friendship with God, but does not completely break it."

"Venial sin a sin that weakens, but does not destroy, a person's relationship with God."

The Eucharist given to a person who is near death to sustain him or her on the journey to eternity.

The Eucharist given to a person who is near death to sustain him or her on the journey to eternity.

Virtue a good spiritual habit that strengthens and enables you to do what is right and good.

Virtue a good spiritual habit that strengthens and enables you to do what is right and good.

Good spiritual habits that make you stronger and help you do what is right and good. They grow over time with our practice and openness to God's grace.

Good habits that make you stronger and help you do what is right and good.

Good habits that make you stronger and help you do what is right and good.

Good spiritual habits that make you stronger and help you do what is right and good. They grow over time with our practice and openness to God's grace.

"The event of Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus, visiting her cousin Elizabeth, who was pregnant with Saint John the Baptist."

The name of Mary's visit to Elizabeth before Jesus was born.

The name of Mary's visit to Elizabeth before Jesus was born.

"The event of Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus, visiting her cousin Elizabeth, who was pregnant with Saint John the Baptist."

"The purpose for which God made us and a particular way to answer his call, whether as a lay person (married or single), a member of a religious community, or a member of the ordained ministry."

"A particular way to answer God's call, whether as a lay person (married or single), a religious, or a member of the ordained ministry."

God's plan for our lives; the purpose for which he made us.

God's plan for our lives; the purpose for which he made us.

"A particular way to answer God's call, whether as a lay person (married or single), a religious, or a member of the ordained ministry."

"The purpose for which God made us and a particular way to answer his call, whether as a lay person (married or single), a member of a religious community, or a member of the ordained ministry."

Solemn promises that are made to or before God.

Solemn promises that are made to or before God.